
Along an extraordinary itinerary that will take you on a path through history, art and culture, the Roma Pass network including over 45 monuments, museums, archaeological sites and Experiences, represents an unicum among the cultural riches thanks to the wideness and prestige of the offer and the numerous initiatives housed in.

Free entrance with Roma Pass 72 Hours and Roma Pass 48 hours includes the exhibition held in the museum.

The variety depends on its collections - archaeological, modern, contemporary - as well as the museum typology. Roma Pass circuit actually includes: the Musei Capitolini, the oldest museum in the world open to the public; the Ara Pacis, a superb architectural work to have been built nowadays; the Centrale Montemartini, where classical statues are displayed among the old engines of the first public electricity plant in Rome.

The cultural heritage of the Roma pass network makes you explore world famous, unique sights: the Colosseo (mandatory reservation FAQ 7.1), the largest arena of the ancient world; the monumental complex of the picturesque Appia Antica; the Musei Capitolini, the most ancient public museum in the world; Castel S. Angelo, the fascinating Papal fortress.

Archaelogical museums

Area Sacra di Largo Argentina

Area Sacra di Largo Argentina

Via di San Nicola De’ Cesarini (in front of block n.10)
Ticket office and bookshop at Torre del Papito, piazza dei Calcarari

Booking required online with Roma Pass at

The ancient history of the area begins at the beginning of the 3rd century BC, when, on the original ground floor consisting of rammed earth and gravel, temple C was built, probably dedicated to the goddess Feronia. This is followed in succession by Temple A (mid-3rd century BC, dedicated to Giuturna), Temple D (early 2nd century BC, dedicated to the Lares Permarini), and Temple B (late 2nd century BC, dedicated to Fortuna huiusce diei). At the same time as the last building, the first floor, made of tufa slabs, was laid, probably after the devastating fire of 111 BC.

On 20 June 2023, at the end of the works carried out under the scientific direction of the Capitoline Superintendency and made possible thanks to an act of patronage by the Bulgari Maison, the Sacred Area will be reopened to the public, with a new walkway route that for the first time will allow the structures to be appreciated at close range and in a systematic manner.

The access has also been facilitated for the visually impaired and blind with the creation of two large tactile panels and 3D-scanned exhibits. The archaeological area is accessible to all, even with wheelchair. Toilets not available.

Circo Massimo

Circo Massimo

Entrance without a multimedia device

Reservation is highly recommended with Roma Pass at

Circo Massimo (Circus Maximus), is the biggest building for shows of all times, it is 600 metres long and 140 metres wide; it is by the legend connected to the origins of the city: in fact during the games in honour of Conso, the rape of the Sabines happened and hence the birth of life in the city. Actually, a first arrangement of Valle Murcia – Murcia was, according to the tradition, the valley’s tutelary deity – it goes back to the age of the Tarquini and it can be connected to the construction of a sewer which permitted the drainage of the whole area and to regularise the ground.

The equipment was probably not enough for this phase, but subsequently, throughout the centuries, there must have been many works in this area and starting with century II BC, also monumental like per the arch of Stertinio erected in 196 BC, the columns with statues, the support with the ova (marbles) in order to easily count the turns.Only Julius Caesar had a real brickwork constructed and its map is kept, at least partially, in the following constructions as witness the many reticulate works in various points during the excavation. Certainly the intervention of Augustus was of great importance: he completed and restored the hippodrome, he decorated it with the obelisk, which is now in piazza del Popolo, and built the pulvinar.

For information:



Immersive and multisensory experience in augmented reality, through viewers.

Reservation highly recommended with Roma Pass at

A place of entertainment and one of the City’s undisputed landmarks, the Circus Maximus comes back to life thanks to an innovative valorisation project using augmented (AR) and virtual reality (VR). One of the most relevant monuments in Roman history, the Circus Maximus can for the first time be seen through all its historic phases thanks to a ground-breaking project using interactive display technologies that have never before been used in such an extended outdoor area.

The headsets available give a virtual rendering of the Circus Maximus by overlapping images of the past to the present-day reality to reconstruct its initial magnificence: in particular, the Arch of Titus will appear in its original majestic height.
The CIRCO MAXIMO EXPERIENCE, through continuous flashbacks to the past thanks to reconstructions in augmented and virtual reality, will enable you to see the life of the age-old valley unfold before your eyes, stroll through the Roman shops and watch a chariot race among shouts of encouragement and overturned chariots.

The 40-minute walking itinerary is available in eight languages (Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Japanese).

The eight stops are the following: the valley floor of the Circus in the archaic period, the Circus from the 1st century BC to the 1st century AD, the Circus in the imperial period, the seating tiers (cavea), the Arch of Titus, the shops (tabernae), the Circus in the Middle Ages and in modern times and lastly, “A Day at the Circus”. The tour is available with immersive glasses (see-through technology) and stereo audio earphones included in the admission ticket to the “Circo Maximo Experience”.

The visit is also available for deaf people thanks to simplified subtitles in Italian or English.

It will not be possible to use the Experience on the first Sundays of the month and on the days with free admission. In case of rain it will not be possible to use the multimedia experience.


Forum Pass Super

Forum Pass Super

Via Sacra, near the Arco di Tito
Via di San Gregorio
Piazza della Madonna di Loreto / Colonna Traiana
Carcere Mamertino

Roman Forum-Palatine and Imperial Fora in a single itinerary. One ticket (€16) gives you access to the new route, which allows you to visit the archaeological heart of Rome in about two hours: the Roman Forum, the Imperial Fora and the Palatine.Also included in the ticket is a visit to the SUPER sites, unique places in the world whose special visit allows you to get to the core of Roman art and civilisation through immersive technologies and fascinating virtual narrations. An itinerary through the Roman Forum and the Palatine, connected by the Domitian ramp, which will lead visitors to discover ancient painting from the Augustan age, with the House of Augustus (from Tuesday to Sunday), to the late ancient and early medieval age with the Temple of Romulus, Santa Maria Antiqua and the Oratory of the Forty Martyrs. On Saturday, Sunday and Monday it will also be possible to enter the Curia Iulia, the ancient seat of the Roman Senate.

Access to the SUPER sites is restricted, as they feature valuable paintings that could be affected by overcrowding. Further information on opening hours.

The entire route of the visit included in the Forum Pass ticket is barrier-free and will cross part of the Forum of Trajan, pass under Via dei Fori Imperiali through the cellars of the ancient dwellings of the Alessandrino neighbourhood and, after crossing the entire length of the Forum of Caesar, near the Forum of Nerva, reach the Curia to enter the Roman Forum.



From May 22nd, the exciting Journeys to Ancient Rome return!

Foro of Caesar: Foro di Traiano next to Trajan’s Column

The tickets can be booked on


Stones Can Talk and They’ve Got a Lot to Tell Us. The marble blocks still visible in the Forum of Caesar are the starting point for a fascinating tour in discovery of magnificent archaeological sites and a temple that was at the heart of events in Ancient Rome. A tour created by Piero Angela and Paco Lanciano. Visitors will have the chance to see exciting portrayals of life in Ancient Rome, reconstructed within the Imperial Fora using light, images, film and animation. The two reconstructions will be accompanied by a wealth of historic and scientific information, music and a tale by Piero Angela.



In this part of the tour, visitors walk within the Forum itself and among the marble that remains of this enormous piazza, which at the time was surrounded by majestic colonnades and overshadowed by the imposing temple of Venus Genetrix. The tour explores the role of the Forum in the lives of the Roman people and the figure of Julius Caesar, an intelligent and ambitious man, idolised by some but hated and feared by others.

Mausoleo di Augusto (temporarily closed)

Mausoleo di Augusto (temporarily closed)

Reservations required on the website. The on-site ticket office does not accept electronic payments.

The largest circular tomb of the ancient world, and an emblem of the architectural magnificence of Roman times, is once again accessible to all.

The Mausoleum of Augustus, a jewel of the historical heritage of humanity, had been closed since 2007 due to the archaeological investigations preliminary to the realization of the large restoration project.

The project also provides an innovative multimedia adventure for an even more fascinating and spectacular visiting experience.

The construction site is still in progress but, thanks to the works carried out so far, the public can visit the central area and access other spaces in total safety.

Starting from 22 April, the visit will be enriched with digital content, in virtual and augmented reality.

Mercati di Traiano - Museo dei Fori Imperiali

Mercati di Traiano - Museo dei Fori Imperiali

Reservation is highly recommended with Roma Pass at

Mercati e Foro di Traiano is the modern name for a large set of buildings erected at the beginning of the 2nd century AD on the slopes of the Quirinal Hill. Guided tours will allow you to visit a real quarter of Imperial Rome whose state of preservation is still impressive.

Musei Capitolini

Musei Capitolini

Reservation is highly recommended with Roma Pass at

The most ancient public museum in the world, it houses a considerable quantity of archaeological examples in addition to a significant collection of mediaeval and modern works. Recently, a large glass-walled room was built out of the covering of the Roman Garden to exhibit the original of the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius, previously located in Piazza del Campidoglio.

Musei Capitolini - Centrale Montemartini

Musei Capitolini - Centrale Montemartini

Reservation is highly recommended with Roma Pass at

Opened in 1912, the Centrale Montemartini changed completely the water and power supply system of Rome. To date, this art centre displays Greek and Roman statues and sculptures among the remains of the old engines.

Museo dell’Ara Pacis

Museo dell’Ara Pacis

Reservation is highly recommended with Roma Pass at

Housed in the first museum complex built in Rome after the collapse of the Fascist regime, the Ara Pacis represents one of the most impressive examples of classical art.

Museo delle Mura

Museo delle Mura


Located inside former "Porta Appia", known today as "Porta S. Sebastiano", the Museo delle Mura displays one of the most captivating expanses of the Aurelian walls erected at the end of the 3rd century AD, thus illustrating the story of these ancient fortifications.

Museo di Casal de’ Pazzi

Museo di Casal de’ Pazzi

FREE ADMISSION Booking required, calling the number +39 060608

The archeological site of Casal de’ Pazzi was discovered in 1981 during some development works in Rebibbia, today a densely populated area of Rome. The discovery of a large elephant tusk gave way to an archaeological investigation that brought to light a section of an ancient river bed. More than 2000 faunal remains were found in the deposit , belonging to species that one cannot imagine in today’s Rome countryside such as ancient elephants, the aurochs, the hippopotamus, and the rhinoceros.

Museo di Scultura Antica Giovanni Barracco

Museo di Scultura Antica Giovanni Barracco


Housed in the "Farnesina ai Baullari" (the Farnese Palace in the street of the trunk makers), which was built in 1516 to a design of Antonio da Sangallo the young, the Museo di Scultura Antica Giovanni Barracco houses a prestigious collection of antique sculpture - art from Assyria, Egypt, Cyprus, Phoenicia, Etruria, Greece and Rome.

Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia

Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia

Housed in the beautiful Villa Giulia, built in the 16th century for Pope Julius III, the Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia is one of the most important in Italy and is organised in topographic and thematic sections.

Museo Nazionale Romano

Museo Nazionale Romano

CUMULATIVE TICKET: Crypta Balbi (closed from January 9th 2023), Palazzo Altemps, Palazzo Massimo, Terme di Diocleziano.

The Museo Nazionale Romano houses one of the most important archaeology collections in the world. The items are divided into four different sites: the Crypta Balbi, Palazzo Altemps, Palazzo Massimo, and the aggregate of the Terme di Diocleziano.

Museo Nazionale Romano - Crypta Balbi (closed from January 9th 2023)

Museo Nazionale Romano - Crypta Balbi (closed from January 9th 2023)

CUMULATIVE TICKET: Crypta Balbi (closed from January 9th 2023), Palazzo Altemps, Palazzo Massimo, Terme di Diocleziano.

The excavations carried out in the Crypta Balbi revealed the various transformations and utilizations of the place which followed one another from ancient times through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance up to the Modern Age. The Museum displays archaeological material from other excavation sites and historical collections of Roman museums.

For Roma Pass holders special discount on audioguide: 4€.

Museo Nazionale Romano - Palazzo Altemps

Museo Nazionale Romano - Palazzo Altemps

CUMULATIVE TICKET: Crypta Balbi (closed from January 9th 2023), Palazzo Altemps, Palazzo Massimo, Terme di Diocleziano.

Palazzo Altemps houses the beautiful collection of ancient sculptures started by Cardinal Ludovisi in the 16th century and the antiquities belonging to the Altemps.

For Roma Pass holders special discount on audioguide: 4€.

Museo Nazionale Romano - Palazzo Massimo

Museo Nazionale Romano - Palazzo Massimo

CUMULATIVE TICKET: Crypta Balbi (closed from January 9th 2023), Palazzo Altemps, Palazzo Massimo, Terme di Diocleziano.

Palazzo Massimo was converted into the main site of the National Roman Museum, illustrating at best the artistic culture in Rome from Silla to the Imperial age.

For Roma Pass holders special discount on audioguide: 4€.

Museo Nazionale Romano - Terme di Diocleziano

Museo Nazionale Romano - Terme di Diocleziano

CUMULATIVE TICKET: Crypta Balbi (closed from January 9th 2023), Palazzo Altemps, Palazzo Massimo, Terme di Diocleziano.

The Terme di Diocleziano are the historical headquarters of the National Museum of Rome, housing a large epigraphic section illustrating the birth and development of Latin.

For Roma Pass holders special discount on audioguide: 4€, virtual reality viewer 3D: 4€.

Museum of Civilisations

Museum of Civilisations

The Museum of Civilizations has two venues. Palazzo delle Scienze with the sections on prehistory and non-European ethnography Luigi Pigorini, oriental art Giuseppe Tucci, and the early Middle Ages. Palazzo delle Arti e Tradizioni Popolari with the section on popular arts and traditions.

Palazzo Valentini - Archaeological Area of the Domus Romane

Palazzo Valentini - Archaeological Area of the Domus Romane

Reservation is recommended by one day before at or sending an email to (See FAQ 7.1).

Seat of Rome Provincial Authorities since 1873, this building dates from the end of the sixteenth century and was subsequently enhanced by an extraordinary campaign of archaeological excavations whereby two big sculptures and two patrician villas, dating to the third-forth century and the second century respectively, were brought back to light.

Parco Archeologico del Celio e Museo della Forma Urbis

Parco Archeologico del Celio e Museo della Forma Urbis

Booking required online with Roma Pass at

The project of the Capitoline Superintendency has recovered and prepared for the preparation of the buildings in the area,such as the Casina del Salvi and the former GIL Gym.

Inside this building in particular it was possible to arrange the fragments of the Forma Urbis, in a new layout that allows you to better appreciate the monumental marble plan of the Severian age,

providing an immediately understandable cartographic reading. Furthermore, in the surrounding garden there are epigraphic and architectural materials from the excavations of Rome

at the end of the 19th century, according to a thoughtful arrangement by thematic nuclei which offers visitors a new opportunity to deepen their knowledge of the ancient world.

The archaeological area and the museum are accessible to all


Parco archeologico del Colosseo, Foro Romano & Palatino

Parco archeologico del Colosseo, Foro Romano & Palatino

Colosseo Entrance Piazza del Colosseo
Foro Romano/Palatino Entrances: Arco di Tito, Varco Vignola in Via di San Gregorio, Largo della Salara Vecchia e Carcere Mamertino.

CUMULATIVE TICKET Anfiteatro Flavio: Colosseo + Palatino + Foro Romano (the museum is excluded)

Booking required for ColosseoIf you want to use Roma Pass for the COLOSSEO, CHECK AVAILABILITY FIRST.

This archaeological area is the heart of the ancient city. Here you may admire an impressive stratification of historical and artistic memories testifying to the life and development of ancient Rome.
The ticket is valid for 24h and allows entry to the Colosseum and exhibitions inside the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, the Palatine Hill and temporary exhibitions in progress at the Park (the museum is excluded).

For Roma Pass holders special discount on guided tour/audio-videoguide.

Parco Archeologico dell'Appia Antica

Parco Archeologico dell'Appia Antica

Cumulative ticket valid for the entire duration of the Roma Pass: Mausoleo di Cecilia Metella, Villa dei Quintili-Santa Maria Nova, Antiquarium di Lucrezia Romana, Complesso di Capo di Bove, Tombe della Via Latina

Parco Archeologico dell'Appia Antica - Antiquarium Di Lucrezia Romana

Parco Archeologico dell'Appia Antica - Antiquarium Di Lucrezia Romana

This new museum in the Roman suburbs tells the story of the Appio Tuscolano territory, from the prehistoric and protohistoric times to the Middle Ages. The museum exhibits archaeological finds found in the south-eastern suburbs of Rome over the past 25 years.

Among the exhibits on display there are above all funerary items: gold jewelry, small jewels and earrings, vases and oil lamps, feminine everyday objects (makeup containers, tweezers, spatulas) and children.

Parco Archeologico dell'Appia Antica - Complesso di Capo di Bove

Parco Archeologico dell'Appia Antica - Complesso di Capo di Bove

Located at the fourth mile of the Via Appia Antica, about 500 m away from the Tomb of Cecilia Metella

An archaeological excavation was made in the garden which brought to light a thermal building dating back to the mid-2nd century AD.

Many rooms remain of the spa, mosaic and colored marble flooring, hydraulic tanks, terracotta tubules, the sewer system and many coatings in marble slabs and painted plaster.

Parco Archeologico dell'Appia Antica - Mausoleo di Cecilia Metella e Castrum Caetani

Parco Archeologico dell'Appia Antica - Mausoleo di Cecilia Metella e Castrum Caetani

The most impressive funeral monument built along the third mile of the Appia Antica, of which it has become symbolic,was erected on a hill to commemorate the Roman noblewoman who was by birth and marriage connected to two of the most distinguished Roman families of the late Republican age.

Parco Archeologico dell'Appia Antica - Parco Delle Tombe Della Via Latina

Parco Archeologico dell'Appia Antica - Parco Delle Tombe Della Via Latina

Located at the third mile of the ancient Via Latina

Entering the Parco Tombe della Via Latina you can walk along a stretch of the original pavement of the ancient road. With a pleasant walk you can admire the rich tombs dating back to the 1st-2nd century A.D. that overlooked the path and that still have perfectly preserved the polychrome decorations on the facades and inside. Among the most interesting monuments you can admire the so-called Sepolcro Barberini, or dei Corneli, the Tomba dei Valeri and the Tomba dei Pancrazi. From the road you can then reach the Basilica of Santo Stefano, a rare example of an early Christian structure built under the pontificate of Leo the Great around the middle of the 5th century.

Parco Archeologico dell'Appia Antica - Villa dei Quintili e Santa Maria Nova

Parco Archeologico dell'Appia Antica - Villa dei Quintili e Santa Maria Nova

The largest villa of Roman suburbs overlooked the countryside with its cryptoporticus, lavatories, and small terraced baths, thereby creating a spectacular scenery that has been partly brought to light today.

By accessing Villa dei Quintili it is also possible to visit the site of Santa Maria Nova.

A visit to Villa dei Quintili will be a walk that expands your knowledge of a city that remains infinite in time and space.

Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica

Parco Archeologico di Ostia Antica

The on-site ticket office accepts ONLY electronic payments.

The wide area of the excavations overlooks the "Tiber River Gate", connecting Rome to the sea. The ancient city testifies to the imposing Roman buildings and reaffirm the commercial and economic importance of the ancient capital of the world.

Terme di Caracalla

Terme di Caracalla

Among the most imposing and fascinating complexes of ancient Rome, Terme di Caracalla are still impressive today owing to their extensive walls whose ruins are often still considerably high.

For Roma Pass holders special discount on audioguide: 4€.

Villa di Massenzio e Mausoleo di Romolo

Villa di Massenzio e Mausoleo di Romolo


The archaeological complex, which extends between the second and third mile the Appian Way, consists of three principal constructions: the Palace, the Roman Circus and the Dynastic Mausoleum. All were designed as an interlinked architectural unit to celebrate Emperor Maxentius, the vanquished adversary of Constantine the Great at the battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312 A.D.

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